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Conflict Solver

Conflict Solver is Open Source Resource Scheduling Software for small companies and institutions.  Currently in late Alpha release, there is not much documentation available.  This page provides an overview of the various views and operations within the application.

Timeline View

The Timeline view provides an infinite scrolling view of the events in the database, and allows you to examine and edit individual events or resources by double-clicking on them.  This screenshot shows the main frame of the application (with a testing database loaded), the pastel-coloured area is the Timeline view.

General screenshot of the application (click to view)


  • Events are colour-coded according to the colours you associate with particular users
  • You define the Resource and Event names in your own database, the testing database uses un-imaginative names because they are easy to generate
  • Split event bars indicate a conflict
  • The status bar displays summary information about the event under the cursor
  • Your preferences determine whether to display event-description and user-name text on the event bars

Actions Available in this View:

  • define new events (ctrl-drag in an empty space, the resources in the rectangle will be booked for the time defined by the rectangle)
  • edit existing events (double-click)
  • move events to different rooms/resources (drag)
  • move events through time (drag)
  • clone events through time (ctrl-drag an event)
  • zoom in (z), zoom out (Z), zoom
  • scroll backward/forward in time (scrollbar at bottom of window, clicks to either side of bar move a page at a time, small arrows move a minimal time increment (based on current zoom) and dragging uses a non-linear scrolling ratio to allow for moving weeks or months at a time)
  • view today (Timeline | Today),  view current two days (Timeline|2 Day), view this week (Timeline|Week)

Actions Available in the Main Frame (not related to Timeline):

  • compact database (Tools | Compact Database) this operation eliminates the undo history from the database, which dramatically reduces the size of the file on disk (often shrinking to less than 20 percent of the original size, depending on the amount of database activity since the last compaction)
  • scripting shell (Tools | Scripting Shell) provides access to a Python 2.2 programming shell which has access to the objects within the application (including all of your events, resources and users)
  • launch user/resource/preference management windows (Tools | User Management, Tools | Resource Management, Edit | Preferences)

Event Objects

The Event object is the primary focus of the application.  Each event represents a user's booking of some number of resources for a discreet time interval (that is, there is no concept of a repeating event in the application at the moment).  The Event class, like most objects in Conflict Solver, provides an editing window in which you can modify the properties of a particular Event.  You will normally both create and edit new events in the Event property editing window.

Event property editing window Event Used Resources property editing window


  • Although the start and end times of the event are stored internally as a single "date" object, each one uses two separate controls for editing the values
  • Modifying duration alters the stop-time, not the start time of an event
  • Times are always display in 24hr (also known as military) format
  • Available resources in the Used Resources property editor are marked with green icons, unavailable/conflicted resources use red icons
  • You can "promote" property-editing windows such as shown to be free-floating by clicking on the arrow on the left side of their title bar.  This allows you to compare values among multiple events.

Actions Available in this View:

  • change Event resources (click on list of Used Resources to get property editing window (second capture above))
  • assign Event to another user
  • set Event-change notification flag (this flag is reset to false when the event changes, allowing you to track whether or not the user has been notified of changes to their events)
  • modify general properties of Event (name, notes)
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